Discus Fish Aquariums- Selecting the Proper Size Discus Fish Tank

As a discus keeper, one of the first purchases you'll need to make is the aquarium. Selecting the proper size discus fish tank is very important. Get this wrong and your fish will suffer. Try to resist the urge to purchase the least expensive aquarium available. If you can't afford an ample sized tank yet, simply put off buying your aquarium for a few months.

Discus fish aquarium needs vary from that of most fish. Unlike other species, discus fish do not spend a great deal of their time moving around at the bottom of the tank. For this reason, you'll need to choose a taller sized aquarium. A taller sized discus aquarium will also allow you enough room should you decide to add driftwood to the tank.

Make sure the tank you decide upon is at least 18 inches tall. It's a lot easier to start out with a larger sized tank than it is to buy the minimum required size and attempt to transfer your fish to a bigger tank later.

Another tip to remember is that discus fish live in groups. Since you won't be buying just one or two fish, you'll need a larger sized discus fish tank in order to accommodate all of your fish. As a general rule, try to allow 10 gallons of water for each fish you keep. I would highly recommend starting out with about 6 discus fish and a 65 gallon aquarium.

Discus fish are rather passive when compared to other cichlids but they can exhibit aggression at times among the group. This aggressiveness often occurs when mates are being chosen. As the discus establish their pecking order, the weaker fish can become the victim of bullying. This is why it is so important to keep at least six discus fish at a time in your aquarium. It cuts down on the chances that one fish will be singled out and be on the receiving end of all the bullying.

A larger sized discus fish aquarium will also make it easier to maintain the tank. The bigger the tank, the less likely you are to have problems with water chemistry. Any uneaten food needs to be removed from the tank regularly to avoid health issues. If you keep discus in a smaller sized aquarium, rotting food can wreak havoc on the water chemistry.

Next we'll discuss the pros and cons of glass and acrylic discus fish aquariums and how to select a sturdy aquarium stand for your discus fish tank.

1 comment:

harrit said...

take care of discus fish

wow... find it interesting... hope it'll be beneficial for me and my friends...