Discus Fish Information- Brief Intro to Keeping Discus Fish

So you've fallen in love with those beautiful magnificently colored fish that caught your eye at the local pet shop. While your first response may be to grab your wallet and snatch them up before someone else does, you're better off resisting the urge to purchase until you've learned more about these breathtaking fish called discus.

There's no need to make a hasty decision. If you buy discus fish from a knowledgeable and reputable pet store, they should be able to adequately meet you needs in the future. In fact, your chances of success will greatly increase as you acquire more tips on discus fish care and feeding habits.

Although discus have traditionally been labeled as "hard to keep", this has little to do with the fish themselves. Discus fish aren't extremely difficult to care for. They just have very specific requirements when it comes to tank setup, water temperature, and environmental conditions. Create the perfect atmosphere for your discus and they'll most likely thrive for years to come.

Before we get into the basics of keeping discus fish, let's discuss a little about the history of discus. Discus are a tropical fish that live predominantly in the Amazon basin. They can be found living in small rivers and streams in Brazil, Columbia, Peru, and Venezuela.

Discus tend to live in large schools and are very social among their own kind.You won't find discus frolicking around in the main current of rivers and streams. They tend to gravitate toward calmer waters that contain branches or brush, allowing them to easily seek shelter. Discus fish generally will dwell in a small space and do not travel around much. Due to their limited movement, discus fish often develop very distinct characteristics and traits among each group.

Because of their stunning beauty, discus fish have become an increasingly popular tropical fish among aquarium hobbyists, so popular that they often are dubbed "The King of the Aquarium". This love of discus is certain to grow as we become more knowledgeable about caring for these one of a kind fish.